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improving the quality of education in Cambodia

health, safety and child protection


To promote education, protection and health of children so that every child is confident and uses their potential to learn without barriers and ensure that children’s learning is stable, qualitative and effective.  friends and families.


Children attend school regularly, they understand and practice about the importance of a good environment, child’s rights and they have good or warm relationships with their teachers, friends and families.

Principals and teachers pay attention to children study and keep them healthy, safe and protected from violence and any kinds of abuse both at school and community by building good relationships and collaborating with families and local authorities.

Families pay attention to children’s studies and they and local authorities take care and keep them healthy , safe and protected from violence and any kinds of abuse both at family and community by building good relationships and collaborating with principals and teachers.

The School Development Program is the new program of Sunshine Cambodia. The program is designed to focus on improving and developing on the areas of child education development, health, safety and child protection of the primary school that are having the worst condition.

The program would like to see the schools have good environments, safety, protection, so that the children (girls and boys) use their potential in their learning without any obstacles and express their ideas and participation in a stable, quality and effective manner.

 The Program also would like to see schools also be safe and warm learning places for every child both girls, boys and especially disability children

areas to target

 The program will be implemented at Prey Veng Province, in two districts, Ba Phnum and Preah Sdach. The target primary school in Ba Phnum district is located at Toulbrasat Village in Theay Commune and another two primary schools located at Kamrieng and Kdampuk Villages in Senareach Odum Commune. Both direct and indirect beneficiaries include 501 children, 258 girls and 243 boys, 21 teachers include school principals and education officials 3 primary principals and 18 teachers and education officials, 26 local authorities include church leaders, 400 families with 2000 family members will benefit from the program both directly and indirectly.

This program will help and strengthen the school principals and teachers to learn and practice properly on the areas of health, safety and child protection, so that they continue to teach and mainstream to all students to know and practice in these areas, so they will live and study with warmth and safety

 The program also will help the principals and teachers to build good connections and networks with the education officials both provincial and district level in order to support and make the school to be healthy, safe and protective for the children.

The program will help the school principals and teachers to build good connections with parents/families of the children and local authorities to be involved in making safety for the students, especially in the areas of health, safety and protection for the children. The program not only work directly with school principals and teachers, but the program also work and support CCWCs (Commune Council in Charge of Women and Children) and local authorities to keep mainstreaming the topics of child’s rights, especially child protection and participation or child abuse and exploitation prevention and parenting skills to all parents and villagers in their communities.

The program will innovate and contribute some necessary resources and materials for the teachers and children to use and play in the schools. Besides building and strengthening the capacity of the teachers, the program also innovates and contributes some resources and materials related to the education, sanitation & health, sports and school environments. The necessary resources and materials are contributed based on the real needs of each target school. The program will help the principals and teachers by encouraging and guiding them of the ways of mobilizing the possible and internal resources both in the schools and communities to involve in contributing to develop the schools and the students.